'Growing popularity of bungalow vacations in 2025' - NBTC
Earlier this year, the latest edition of the Holiday Sentiment Monitor was presented by the Netherlands Board of Tourism & Conventions (NBTC). It contains the results of research into vacation plans in 2025. In this blog, we take a closer look at the vacation plans of the Dutch in 2025. Starting with an interesting development concerns the choice of accommodation type: bungalow vacations are in fact growing this year. Read on to gain more insight into the vacation intentions of the Dutch and find out why the purchase of your own vacation home in the Netherlands for (partial) rental is interesting right now.
Source: Type of accommodation vs. destination (NL), Holiday Sentiment Monitor
Results 22-measurement, www.nbtc.nl
Dutch people and their vacation intention in 2025
The majority of the Dutch (88%) have vacation plans for 2025. Of these, 21% plan to go on vacation in their own country, this represents a slight increase compared to 2024. Dutch people who intend to go on vacation this year expect to book two to three vacations. This includes short and long vacations. For example, over a quarter of Dutch people, who are spending their next vacation in their own country, are going for a short vacation (1-3 nights). About half opt for 4-7 nights.
To respond to this and thus optimize the occupancy of the vacation homes on our vacation parks, we focus our marketing on the rental of short and long vacations. This is all done by our in-house, professional rental organization.
Agreement between travel groups and TopParken target group
The target groups of TopParken's vacation parks are enormously diverse, after all, everyone is welcome and we have facilities for young and old. However, our primary target groups are solo travelers, couples and families of 40 years and older. The research shows that the travel groups within this target group (> 40 years) consist mainly of solo travelers (45-54 years) and travelers with partners (65+). Families and families (35 - 45 years old) also still fall within this target group.
The mentioned travel groups therefore perfectly match the target group and the vacation parks of TopParken, where we focus on family feeling, tranquility, nature and quality. In short: our offer perfectly matches the demand from the Dutch leisure market.
Source: Travel company vs. age (NL), Holiday Sentiment Monitor
Results 22-measurement, www.nbtc.nl
Source: number of nights vs. travel company (NL), Holiday Sentiment Monitor
Results 22-measurement, www.nbtc.nl
Growth in popularity of bungalow parks
As indicated earlier, there is a growing demand for bungalow parks, with 44% of Dutch vacationers choosing them. Besides the next vacation, the Netherlands is also chosen as the destination for the longest vacation of the year (20% of Dutch holidaymakers). The provinces of Gelderland, Limburg and North Holland are most often considered for vacations in their own country. TopParken has a wide range of vacation homes, including on the Veluwe in wooded Gelderland.

Source: destination province Dutch vacationers, Holiday Sentiment Monitor
Results 22-measurement, www.nbtc.nl
Influences on choice of vacation destination
When it comes to choosing a vacation destination, crowds, cost and chance of extreme weather play the most important role in it. 40% of Dutch people say they are forced to change their vacation behavior as a result of rising prices. They choose cheaper accommodations more often or go on vacation less often. A vacation in their own country can offer a solution.
Finally, we would like to highlight that the Dutch find 'Staying in a quiet place' most important when choosing a vacation destination. Followed by 'Flexible cancellation conditions' and then 'Destination close to home'. A quiet place (in the middle of nature), close to home is what TopParken has to offer. This, and much more!

Source: Aspects for choice of vacation destination, Holiday Sentiment Monitor
Results 22 measurement, www.nbtc.nl
At TopParken, we keep a close eye on surveys like this one. On the one hand to confirm whether we are doing the right thing, and on the other hand to keep responding to developments in the market.
Would you like more information or do you have any questions? We are at your service. Make a non-binding appointment at one of our vacation parks or view our brochure.
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